Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Datsun

The future McCaslin family has a new project. It's sitting outside Matthew's garage, and it looks remarkably like this:
1978 Datsun B210 
I don't know why looking at it makes me so happy and expectant about my life together with Matt. I guess it really thrills me to be spending the rest of my life with someone who actually carried out the projects he wants to complete. Also, not putting down my somewhat less automotive-savvy immediate family, but a guy who knows how a car operates is really, I am only just beginning to realize this about myself. Driving to the shop to see Matthew for whatever reason just makes me so happy. He may feel self-conscious about the perpetual grease underneath his fingernails and calloused hands, but I love it. I feel like I am being so cliche by loving it all, but I guess I am actually just a little bit traditional in everything I do. On the other hand, I dropped out of college and moved to Tennessee, so I might need a little tradition here and there to keep me on track with all of that craziness.
Items that came with the car that Matt is excited about and I am clueless about! Yay!

It is my theory that this car will evolve purely as a labor of love - Matthew's for classic imported cars, and mine for him. This car is going to symbolize a lot for me, little does he know. My heart beats faster just thinking about bringing him lemonade when it's hot, coffee when it's...well, coffee in any weather at any time of day or night, knowing him...and learning what promises to be precious little about cars by helping him. I'm a work in progress in that realm.
If nothing else, I can volunteer to help wash it!
Another view of the beauty: yes, that is a chunk of bumper.

Please stay tuned to hear more about the work being done to our new family member, Mr. Datsun. Trivia for all you people that know as much about automotives as I do: did you know that Datsun is the original brand name of what we now just call Nissans? This means that once it is up and running, Matthew will be driving around the same car as me...mine is just 23 years younger. I'm sure he would disagree...because there is probably a whole lot of difference between our two cars -_- but according to me, his car is the father of my car. And that's all there is to it.

The baby car :)

I don't know if I'm supposed to put up pictures of license plates but the tags are out of date by about 14 years...I'm just wondering how the car got from California to here in the first place.

I believe the first few adjustments we're going to put on will be basic housekeeping to make the thing run again. Something about sparkplugs....and the, so what that means is: the next couple blogs I post about this, if I post about this, will be somewhat anticlimactic. Stay with me kids!

The future Mrs. McCaslin


  1. Can't wait to see the transformation!

  2. Hey, back in 1978, I wanted a Datsun. Gas prices were going out of control. I was sure that it would only be a decade or so before car manufacturers would be required to make cheap cars that got 40 mpg. Back then I had to settle for my second Fiat. I'm still waiting to own a car that gets 40 mpg.

  3. I showed your Datsun to Uncle Bud at Easter dinner. He's impressed.

