Um, so anyway. It does turn out after further research that "Dark Side of the Moon" is the most memorable phrase from the Mulan song, but it's really called "I'll Make a Man Out of You," probably due to copyrighting issues with Pink Floyd. Still don't remember? Here's a video for your viewing pleasure.
So I did! I got a big ole shoe, moved the rug that was right next to the beastie (with my toe, from a very safe distance away), snuck up behind it so there wouldn't be a shadow to freak it out, and BAM! Dead cricket. All by myself.
Before everyone goes and appreciates my immense valor for handling this all by meself (there it is again), I would like to add that this was nowhere, and I mean NOWHERE, as terrifying as the time that my sister's dog, Peanut, and I were having a sleepover in my bed (on the second floor...totally unfair) and somehow there was a cricket (a big'un, this one was like three times the size of this morning's) IN MY BED UNDER MY COMFORTER. That was just unfair. Especially as my sister, Betsy, had just taken the time to tell me all about their cricket invasion downstairs but surely they can't climb stairs, so there weren't any on the second floor. OH CONTRAIRE, BETISS. So yeah that night was terrifying. This morning pales in comparison, but I try very hard not to think about that night very often. As I said, though, no need to applaud my bravery this morning. Killing crickets is rather old hat for me, come to think of it. So there. Take that, long legged jumping unpredictable arthropods.
In other news, Happy Friday y'all! Yesterday was my future nephew's 7th birthday, and tomorrow we will be heading to town for a bowling alley birthday party for him. It promises to be a good time, I'm sure. If I weren't such a miserable bowler, I'd be even more excited. Watching the smidgeons bowl will definitely be a laugh, though. I promise pictures!
See Y'all,
The future Mrs. McCaslin
I'm still not sure I believe that crazy, horrible story. But I will say, though it is gross to even admit that we need them, Dad getting those glue traps has really been a life saver. They congregate there in a big ugly pile, and you never have to worry about them appearing in your bed (which has Never happened to me here so I have no idea how you got so unlucky). If you get some of those glue traps: A. get the black kind. The white glue makes the critters show up on them way too much and therefore still freak you out almost as much as moving, jumping ones, whereas the black ones camouflage them. B. do not let T & L stick things to them that you might ever want again. Johnny has a bottle of shampoo on his glue trap thanks to a wee one here, and its never coming off.