Thursday, March 1, 2012

Whatever is Wonderful Wednesday

There's a lot of wonderfulness right now, guys. Prepare yourself.

1. It is so unbelievably warm outside...I'm just in shock! Yesterday night when Matt and I were working on the car, it was so warm outside at 9:00 PM that we didn't need coats on! The high yesterday was 75 degrees. 75! It was even that warm after a big ole thunder shower right before noon. Crazy talk. I am soooo not complaining. Hopefully I can handle the summer heat, with as warm as it is right now!

2. My darlingest future mother-in-law. She is being so incredibly helpful with finding me a job. I mean, she's practically doing all the work for me! I'm so thankful for such a generous and helpful person watching out for me and helping along the way. I may not be unemployed forever with her help! Wouldn't that just be nifty?!

3. My Fair Wedding, Say Yes to the Dress, AND Whose Wedding is it Anyway? are all available for Instant Download on Netflix. How cool is that?! And that's not all either because it also applies perfectly to Matt's boy TV needs, as we can also get every episode of Top Gear, Sons of Guns, and Top Shot. Best. Investment. Ever.

4. I am a registered voter. I have a driver's license. I've been fingerprinted and applied to substitute teach at Mckenzie Special School District. I have a car. My application is being processed at the University of Tennessee at Martin. I guess I really live here guys! So cool.

5. The church is just great. The pianist/Thomas' music teacher/pastor's wife told me I had a lovely voice and should sing a special last Sunday. Isn't that lovely?

Okay, there's my five ;) off to work on a Datsun update!

See Y'all!
The future Mrs. McCaslin


  1. Hello Future Mrs. McCaslin!
    About your wonderful blog:
    1. That "amazingly warm" weather you're having is making the news up here because it is so dangerous. The broadcasts are scaring us to death. Please watch out for tornadoes!

    2.Gotta love those Mother-in-laws. I've got a super one too! It is a wonderful gift to have a friend and helper in the woman who raised the man you love.


    4.I guess you really do live there. Congratulations you rebel, you!

    5. Keep singing. Keep smiling. Know that you are loved.

    ~The present Mrs. Secules

  2. *mothers-in-law Oops, I do know better.
